Please note that 2024 property tax notices have been mailed. If you have not received yours, please contact the Village office right away at 250-679-3238.
Property taxes and Home Owner Grant applications are due on Tuesday, July 2, 2024. A 10% penalty for late payments or late grant applications will apply as of July 3.
Option for payment include:
• At the Village office (open 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday) or use the mail slot at the front door for cheque payments.
• Using your online banking platform
• Visa or Mastercard (plus a service charge) online through OptionPay, see the Village website for more information:
• Sending cheque or money order in the mail (ensure time for delivery-has to be received by July 2, 2024)
Please note that Village office will be closed on Monday, July 1, for the Canada Day holiday.
Residents should also remember that they must apply for their Home Owner Grants through the Province of BC. As of 2021, municipalities can no longer accept applications. Home Owner Grant applications are still due at the same time as property taxes, so it is encouraged that residents apply for their 2024 Home Owner Grants before July 2 to avoid a penalty. For more information and to apply, visit or call 1-888-355-2700.
Residents who are experiencing financial difficulties should note that Home Owner Grants can be applied for without making a tax payment, which will reduce the tax balance owing. Partial payments before the due date will also reduce the penalty incurred. Look into the BC Property Tax Deferment Program for additional support.