Phone: 250 679 3238
Phone: 250 679 3238
The Village currently has a Dog Control Bylaw and related complaints can be taken from Monday to Friday 9:00 to 4:00 in person at the Village office (826 Okanagan Avenue) or by phone on 250 679 3238.
Complaints can also be faxed to 250 679 3070 or e-mailed to
Please ensure that all written complaints include a name, address, phone number, relationship to the property or individual that you are making the complaint about, and the issue. Should the complaint be made in print, we may wish to call and confirm information, or ask further questions regarding the issue.
As people and wildlife, such as bears, continue to share space throughout Chase, it is important to learn how to reduce the risk of human-bear conflict. Mismanaged garbage is one of the main reasons that bears will enter neighbourhoods. It is normal for bears to travel through our community to access natural food sources or relocate to their natural home range. However, when bears begin to utilize human-provided food sources in a community, it creates the potential for human-bear conflict.
By addressing the source of human-bear conflicts, the risks to human safety, damage to private property and the number of bears destroyed can be minimized. Improperly managed and unsecured garbage is an easily accessible food source. Removing access to these attractants is key to preventing human-bear conflicts. Mismanaged bear attractants around our homes can unintentionally attract bears to our neighbourhoods as they attempt to locate food sources. Bears have a powerful sense of smell that can pick up a scent from kilometres away.
You can help keep our community and local bear populations safe by:
Properly manage garbage and recycling by following the Village’s Solid Waste and Recyclables Bylaw, which states that:
If you face barriers to storing your solid waste carts in a wildlife-proof enclosure, consider:
Feeding bears, even unintentionally, is also against the law in BC, under the British Columbia Wildlife Act.
Report all bear sightings and human-wildlife interactions to the BC Conservation Officer Service by calling 1 877 952 7277.
For more information about the British Columbia Bear Smart program, please visit Bear Smart Community Program - Province of British Columbia.
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