MAY 15 – SEPTEMBER 30: NO WATERING ALLOWED BETWEEN 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Effective May 15th – September 30th, watering restrictions apply to both AUTOMATED AND NON-AUTOMATED irrigation systems within the Village of Chase.
You may use an irrigation system or sprinkler as follows:
Residents with automated irrigation systems need to adjust the timing mechanisms of the system to ensure compliance with these regulations. Hand watering of flower and vegetable gardens is permitted at anytime on any day. Please remind your neighbours of the above restrictions because water quality and conservation is everyone’s responsibility. Use water wisely!
Did You Know?
- That Canadians who live in homes that are metered use 39% less water than those who live in homes that are not metered?
- That the average residential swimming pool uses less water than the equivalent area of grass? This is because you fill the pool just once a year, but grass needs to be watered all summer.
- That a steadily dripping tap can waste up to 880 Litres of water a day? That’s 321,200 litres of water a year!
- That residents of BC are the second highest water users in Canada? Only residents of Newfoundland use more.
Ever wonder where all the water goes in a typical home? Most of it goes down the toilet. Surprisingly, very little of it is used for actual drinking. These statistics do not account for water used outdoors.
- Toilets 26%
- Clothes Washers 21%
- Showers 17%
- Faucets 16%
- Leaks 14%
- Baths 2%
- Dishwashers 2%
- Other 2%
Watering Tips:
- Frequent watering promotes shallow root growth that in turn requires more frequent watering;
- Your lawn can become “addicted” to water. The more frequently you water it the more it requires;
- Your lawn requires only 15mm (½ inch) every 2-3 days. You can measure any moisture with a Frisbee, pie plates or empty cans and only top up if required. This can greatly reduce the amount of water used;
- Watering during the heat of the day is wasteful as the significant majority of the water evaporates before soaking in;
- Please don’t water streets, sidewalks or driveways!