The next civic election will be held Saturday, January 20, 2024, where eligible voters will be voting for one (1) Councillor for the remainder of the 2022-2026 term.
Through this Election site, the public can also access frequently asked questions (see below).
If the Village of Chase requires Election Officials for either Advance Voting or General Voting Day, we will advertise on the Village’s website and in the Chase Sunflower.
COUNCILLOR – One (1) to be elected
IGLESIAS | Beverley |
LAUZON | Alison (Ali) |
WILSON | Tanja |
Nomination packages available here: NOMINATION PACKAGE
“Are you curious about being a candidate?“
On January 20, 2024, Village of Chase voters will elect one councilor. To be eligible to run as a candidate, at the time of nomination a person must meet the following criteria.
You are:
- 18 years of age or older on the day of voting;
- a Canadian citizen;
- a resident of British Columbia for at least six months prior to voting day;
- not disqualified under the Local Government Act, or any other enactment, or by law from voting in a local election.
To learn more about being a candidate, please visit the Elections BCwebsite.
Please check back regularly for updated related to the 2024 Local Government Election.
You are eligible to vote in the Village of Chase if you meet ALL of the following requirements.
You are:
- 18 years of age or older on the day of voting;
- a Canadian citizen;
- a resident of British Columbia for at least six months prior to voting day (July 19, 2023);
- a resident of the Village of Chase at least 30 days prior to voting day (December 19, 2023);
- Are not disqualified under the Local Government Act, or any other enactment, or by law from voting in a local election.
The By-Election is January 20, 2024. Date of advance voting is Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Eligible voters can cast their vote at on January 20, 2024 at the Village of Chase Community Hall, 547 Shuswap Avenue, Chase, BC or at the Advance Voting opportunity on January 10, 2024 in the Council Chamber at the Village office, 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC
For voters who cannot vote at either the Advance Voting opportunity or the General Voting opportunity, mail-in ballots will be available at the Village office from January 2, 2024 to January 12, 2024. If you cannot pick up a mail-in ballot contact the Chief Election Officer at 250.679.3238 or elections@chasebc.ca
The Village of Chase will utilize the Provincial Voter’s List as the list of registered electors. Electors should bring two (2) pieces of acceptable identification (see list under “What identification should I bring to the voting location?”).
If you are not sure if you are registered, please contact Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683
Please bring two pieces of identification which include your address and signature. Examples of acceptable identification:
- B.C. Driver’s License
- B.C. Identification Card
- Owner’s Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle License issued by ICBC
- B.C. Services Card, B.C. CareCard or Gold CareCard
- Ministry of Social Development Income Assistance Monthly Report Form
- Social Insurance Card
- Citizenship card
- Property tax notice issued by the Village of Chase
- Credit or debit card
- Utility bill (electricity, natural gas, water, telephone or cable service)
- Student card
Please note the combination B.C. Driver’s License/Care Card is ONE piece of identification.
Yes, you must provide proof of ownership of the property for which are voting and you meet ALL of the following requirements.
You are:
- 18 years of age or older on the day of voting;
- a Canadian citizen;
- a resident of British Columbia for at least six months prior to voting day;
- a registered owner of real property in the Village of Chase for at least 30 days immediately before today;
- not disqualified under the Local Government Act, or any other enactment, or by law from voting in a local election.
If there is more than one person on title for the property, you must provide written permission from the majority of property owners authorizing you as the sole individual to vote for that property. Please find the Non-Resident Property Elector – Consent Form here.
If you have difficulty entering the voting location, you may request to receive and mark your ballot outside (curbside voting). Election officials will provide you with a ballot and a secrecy sleeve. You may choose to have someone who is accompanying you deposit the ballot in the voting machine or request an election official to do this for you.
If you require assistance with voting, you may also bring someone with you into the voting location to help you vote. Please note they will be required to complete and sign a declaration in order to provide support.
The Advance Voting Day is Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
Eligible voters can pick up mail-in ballot packages at the Village office starting January 2, 2024 until 4:00 pm on Friday, January 12, 2024.
Elector and Candidate Informational Brochures
For information related to the Village’s financial documents: Financial Documents
For more information contact the Chief Election Officer at ELECTIONS@CHASEBC.CA