Residential garbage and recycling is collected from Tuesday to Friday. Both recycling and garbage are picked up on the same day so please ensure you have both bins at the boulevard no later than 7:00 a.m. or your pick-up might be missed. Bins are to be set at the curb, at least one metre (3 feet) apart, with the wheels facing the house. This is so the truck machinery can pick up the bins.
For items that cannot be recycled, the nearest Eco-Depot is located in Pritchard and is known as the South Thompson Eco-Depot (at 1595 Martin Prairie Road). It is operated by the TNRD.
The Village of Chase collects recycling every week. Mix all your recyclables together in your recycling cart – you don’t need to sort items. Make sure all your recyclables are rinsed of food. Learn what you can recycle from Recycle BC.
See our Waste Collection Schedule for details. On your collection day, place your carts at the curb between 5:30 and 7:00am. The lid on your cart needs to shut completely.
Contact us by email or call 250-679-3238 if you have questions about your carts or collection.
No plastic bags, film or overwrap should go in your recycling cart. Instead, take these back to a depot.