Ready to get your business started in the Village of Chase? Great!
All businesses located in, or providing services within, Village boundaries must hold a valid business licence. For a new business, download the Village’s Business Licence application, request a copy via email, or visit the office at 826 Okanagan Avenue.
Business Licence fees can be found here: Fees and Charges Bylaw
Do you hold a Chase Business License, but your business is mobile and you work in other parts of the TNRD? Then you qualify for an Inter-Community Business License. They cost $75 but you will not need business licenses from participating communities (Kamloops, Barriere, Logan Lake, Merritt, Tk’emlups)
Business licences are valid from January 1 to December 31 of the year in which they are purchased. Be aware that you may be required to obtain permits or licences from the Province (e.g., if you are opening a food service, you will be required to have a health permit and if you require a liquor licence you will need a permit from the Liquor Control Branch).
Any business in a commercial site within the Village of Chase will be required to have an annual Fire inspection by the Chase Fire Department.
Renew your business licence by March 31st to take advantage of a discount on your premium!
BizPaL Online Business Permits and Licences
BizPaL is an innovative online service that provides entrepreneurs with simplified access to information about business permits, licences and other requirements needed to start, operate and grow their business from the federal, provincial / territorial and participating municipal governments.
Benefits of BizPaL
Finding out which government requirements apply to a certain business type can be time consuming and frustrating. BizPaL was created to help identify what you may require, quickly and easily. The information you need is available from a single source; entrepreneurs spend less time dealing with red tape — saving effort and money in the process — and more time building their business. The service is the result of strong collaboration between the federal, provincial / territorial and participating municipal governments and is designed with the following benefits in mind:
- It’s free to use
- It saves time
- It’s available 24/7